Do you want to learn how to conjugate Spanish -IR verbs in future perfect subjunctive tense? You have come to the right place. Just scroll down to find the Spanish verb you want, and click on the tense to get started.
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INSTRUCTIONS: All the future perfect subjunctive tense -IR verbs below are in alphabetical order going from left to right. Just find the word you want to study and click on the button to bring up the full Future Perfect Subjunctive tense conjugation chart for the word.
abrir aburrir aburrirse admitir advertir afligir ²¹Ã±²¹»å¾±°ù aplaudir arrepentirse asistir batir bendecir combatir compartir competir conducir conseguir consentir consistir constituir construir consumir contribuir convenir convertir corregir cubrir cumplir decidir decidirse decir deprimir derretir describir descubrir despedir destruir dirigir disminuir distinguir distribuir divertir divertirse dormir dormirse elegir escribir exhibir exigir extinguir fingir ´Ú°ù±ððù ²µ°ù³Üñ¾±°ù herir hervir huir imprimir incluir inducir influir insistir introducir invadir invertir ir irse medir mentir morir ocurrir ´Çðù pedir permitir perseguir predecir preferir presentir producir prohibir proseguir recibir reducir regir °ù±ððù °ù±ðñ¾±°ù repetir requerir sacudir salir seguir sentir sentirse servir sobrevivir son°ù±ððù subir sufrir sugerir surgir sustituir ³Ù±ðñ¾±°ù traducir unir venir vestir vestirse vivir zambullirseSpeak to a native online Spanish tutor and ask.